Stay Cool All Summer With These Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips

A technician performing air conditioner maintenance on an AC unit.

As the warm summer months approach, it’s crucial to ensure your air conditioning system is in top shape to keep your home comfortable and your energy bills in check. Proper air conditioner maintenance not only extends the lifespan of your unit but also improves its efficiency, resulting in lower utility costs and a more enjoyable living environment.

In this blog post, we’ll explore five maintenance tips to help you prepare your air conditioner for the upcoming season.

5 Maintenance Tips to Ready Your Air Conditioner for the Summer

Beat the heat this summer with these air conditioner maintenance tips:

A technician performing air conditioner maintenance on an AC unit.

1. Schedule Air Conditioner Maintenance Tune-ups

One of the most important aspects of air conditioner maintenance is scheduling annual tune-ups with a professional HVAC technician. During a maintenance visit, a technician’s job is to ensure your system is ready to operate efficiently throughout the season. At this appointment, a technician will go through a series of checks, inspections, and cleaning on your unit, including the following:

  • Clean the evaporator coil inside
  • Inspect the coil to ensure there are no leaks
  • Clean and inspect your circulating fan wheel
  • Lubricate the fan motor
  • Inspect and tighten the mounting bolts
  • Inspect your electrical wiring and connections
  • Clean and inspect the outside condenser
  • Check the refrigerant level in your system

Regular maintenance can catch potential problems early, preventing costly breakdowns and extending the life of your air conditioner.

2. Clean or Replace Filters Regularly

Clogged or dirty air filters can significantly reduce your air conditioner’s efficiency and strain the system, leading to higher energy bills and potential breakdowns. Make it a habit to clean or replace your filters every one to three months, or as recommended by the manufacturer. This simple task can make a noticeable difference in your unit’s performance and indoor air quality.

At Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, we sell a variety of filters. Please visit our online shop to check out the filter options we offer.

3. Seal Any Openings Around Your Home

Air leaks around windows, doors, and other openings in your home can cause your air conditioner to work harder than necessary, wasting energy and money. These gaps and cracks act as pathways for cool air to escape and hot air to enter, forcing your AC unit to run longer and work harder to maintain the desired temperature. This not only drives up your energy bills but also puts unnecessary strain on the system, potentially leading to premature wear and tear or even breakdowns.

Take the time to thoroughly inspect your home for any air leaks. Common culprits include gaps around window and door frames, electrical outlets, attic hatches, and any cracks or holes in walls, floors, or ceilings. Use caulk or weatherstripping to seal these openings, effectively creating an airtight barrier that prevents air exchange between the inside and outside of your home. Cool air will stay where it belongs, inside your living spaces, while hot outdoor air will be kept at bay.

4. Utilize Your Thermostat Efficiently

Programming your thermostat properly can help you save energy and money while maintaining a comfortable indoor temperature. Here are a few tips to ensure you get the most use out of your thermostat:

  • Set your thermostat a few degrees higher when you’re away from home or during sleeping hours.
  • Make sure your thermostat is located in a suitable area, away from direct sunlight or heat sources, to ensure accurate temperature readings.
  • Consider investing in a smart thermostat. Since they are electronic, programmable thermostats are more accurate and efficient than thermostats that contain mercury. With programmable thermostats, you can control the temperature in your home at different times of day without ever touching your thermostat.

And if you run into issues or inaccurate readings, Hometown Heating, Air & Electric is here to help! We can accurately troubleshoot any type of malfunction and can repair your thermostat if you run into issues.

5. Consider Upgrading to a New Unit

If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old or showing signs of frequent breakdowns, it may be time to consider upgrading to a new, energy-efficient model. Here are a few signs your AC may be due for replacement:

  • Does not maintain set temperature
  • Older than 10-15 years
  • Facing costly repairs
  • Increasing energy bills
  • Uneven cooling in different rooms

At Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, we can install upgraded systems, such as split air conditioning systems and Energy Star models.

By following these air conditioner maintenance tips, you can ensure your system is ready to keep you cool and comfortable throughout the summer months.

Contact us today to schedule your annual tune-up with Hometown Heating, Air & Electric today and enjoy a worry-free summer.

4 Steps to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality This Fall

As the leaves change colors and the temperatures drop, we find ourselves spending more time indoors. It’s a cozy season, but it’s also the time when we need to be vigilant about the quality of the air we breathe.

In this post, we’ll explore the critical aspects of indoor air quality (IAQ), including symptoms, causes, solutions, and choice Lennox indoor air quality products.

4 Steps to Improve Your Indoor Air Quality

Try these four steps to improve your indoor air quality this fall to have a cleaner, healthier living environment:

1. Identify the Symptoms of Poor Indoor Air Quality

The first step to addressing indoor air quality issues is recognizing the symptoms. Poor indoor air quality can lead to a range of health problems. Some common symptoms include:

  • Allergies and Respiratory Issues: Sneezing, coughing, congestion, and worsened asthma symptoms can all be signs of poor indoor air quality.
  • Fatigue: Breathing in contaminated air can leave you feeling tired and lethargic, making it difficult to concentrate and be productive.
  • Irritated Eyes and Throat: Itchy or watery eyes and a scratchy throat are common symptoms when the air is filled with pollutants.’
  • Foul Odors: Unpleasant odors can be an indicator of mold, mildew, or other contaminants in your home’s air.

If you’ve experienced multiple of these symptoms at home or the office, it may be time to update your IAQ appliances.

2. Recognize the Causes of Poor Indoor Air Quality

Understanding the causes of indoor air pollution is crucial for improving air quality in your home. Some of the main culprits include:

  • Dust and Allergens: Dust mites, pet dander, and pollen can accumulate in your home, triggering allergies and other health issues.
  • Mold and Mildew: Damp areas and poor ventilation can lead to mold and mildew growth, which can be harmful when airborne.
  • Chemical Pollutants: Household cleaning products, open paint cans, and building materials can release harmful chemicals into the air.
  • Inadequate Ventilation: Poor ventilation allows pollutants to become trapped indoors, contributing to poor air quality.

Do any of these causes feel familiar to you? If you’re located in an area with a high pollen count, or frequently use cleaning products that contain harmful chemicals, they may be contributing to poor IAQ in your home.

3. Implement These Simple Solutions to Prevent Poor Indoor Air Quality

To improve indoor air quality, consider the following solutions:

  • Regular Maintenance: Schedule regular HVAC maintenance with Hometown Heating, Air & Electric to ensure your heating and cooling systems are clean and operating efficiently.
  • Air Purifiers: Install air purifiers to filter out allergens and contaminants, providing cleaner air to breathe. (We list some great air purifier options below.)
  • Proper Ventilation: Ensure proper ventilation by opening windows when possible and using exhaust fans to eliminate indoor air pollutants.
  • Humidity Control: Maintain optimal indoor humidity levels to prevent mold growth and reduce allergen concentrations.

While scheduling regular maintenance check-ups or having an air purifier take time, we promise the improvements to your IAQ will be worth it.

4. Consider These Indoor Air Quality Products by Lennox

Hometown Heating, Air & Electric proudly offers a range of high-quality Lennox IAQ products, including:

Cleaners and Purifiers: As the industry norm for indoor air quality products, air purifiers and cleaners directly extract contaminants from the air, such as dust, pollen, and other allergens, resulting in an immediate enhancement of the air you breathe. Cleaners and purifiers act as the primary line of defense against indoor air pollution in your home.

Check out some of the Lennox cleaners and purifiers we offer below:

Humidifiers: Excessive humidity fosters mold growth, while insufficient humidity results in stale and uncomfortable air. Humidifiers play a crucial role by sustaining an optimal humidity level indoors, alleviating dry air issues, ensuring healthier air to breathe, and safeguarding wooden furniture in your home.

Visit our website to learn more about why indoor air quality is important! Check out some of the Lennox humidifiers we offer below:

Ventilators: HVAC systems circulate air throughout your home, which means any indoor pollutants will be continually recirculated within your living space. Ventilators, however, are designed to bring fresh, outside air into your home, rejuvenating the indoor environment while maintaining comfort and efficiency.

Check out some of the Lennox ventilators we offer below:

The air you breathe at home directly impacts your health and well-being. Poor indoor air quality can lead to various health issues. But with Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, you have a trusted partner to ensure your home’s air is clean and fresh.

After recognizing symptoms and addressing the causes of poor IAQ, you can then implement effective solutions so you can enjoy improved indoor air quality throughout the year.

For top-of-the-line Lennox indoor air quality products and professional services, contact Hometown Heating, Air & Electric today to take the first step toward a healthier living environment.

8 Tips On How To Prevent Some Common Electrical Issues

Electrical problems can often be very frustrating and dangerous. However, with regular maintenance and a proactive approach, you can prevent many common electrical issues. Following a few tips can help save you a lot of stress, and you are much less likely to deal with any major electrical problems in your home. Here is an overview of the most common electrical issues that can be avoided.

1. Overloaded Circuits and Outlets

A common cause of electrical issues is overloaded circuits and outlets. For example, plugging too many devices into one outlet or using an extension cord improperly can lead to overheating, electrical fires, or circuit breaker trips. One way to avoid overloading outlets is by using only one high-wattage device per outlet. It’s also a good idea to install additional outlets if needed to accommodate your devices.

2. Dimming Lights

Flickering or dimming lights can often happen because of loose connections, faulty wiring, or overloaded circuits. You can prevent this problem by making sure the light bulbs are properly screwed into their sockets. It’s also important to check for any loose or frayed wiring around light fixtures and outlets. You can reduce the load on the circuit by unplugging unnecessary devices.

3. Damaged Electrical Outlets

Damaged electrical outlets can be a fire hazard and should be addressed immediately. It’s essential to inspect outlets regularly for signs of wear, such as cracks, discoloration, or loose connections. You also need to replace damaged outlets with high-quality units and avoid yanking cords out of the outlet, as this can damage both the cord and the outlet.

4. Frequent Circuit Breaker Trips

Circuit breakers are specifically designed to trip whenever they detect a problem, such as an overloaded circuit or a short circuit. You can minimize the frequency of circuit breaker trips by making sure your home’s electrical system is up to date and can handle your current electrical demands. Unplug devices that are not in use to reduce the load on your electrical system.

5. Faulty Light Switches

Malfunctioning light switches can be both an annoyance and a safety hazard. It’s recommended to inspect switches regularly to avoid any issues. You will need to replace worn or damaged switches and turn off the power before attempting any electrical repairs or replacements. Reaching out to an electrician is always recommended.

6. Electric Shocks

Electric shocks can be extremely dangerous and are often the result of faulty wiring, damaged outlets, or a lack of proper grounding. You can minimize the chance of electrical shocks by installing GFCI outlets in areas where water and electricity are likely to come into contact. You will need to ensure that your home’s electrical system is properly grounded.

7. Aging or Damaged Wiring

Old or damaged wiring can lead to a variety of electrical issues, including short circuits, flickering lights, and electrical fires. You can prevent problems caused by aging or damaged wiring by reaching out to a professional for regular electrical inspections, which is especially important if your home is older or has a history of electrical problems. It’s also important to replace any damaged, frayed, or exposed wiring as soon as possible.

8. Aging or Damaged Wiring

Any loose connections can lead to flickering lights, intermittent power loss, and even electrical fires. Taking the time to inspect outlets, switches, and light fixtures is essential in taking care of this issue. You will need to tighten any loose connections and replace damaged components. Consult with a licensed electrician if you suspect that your home has loose connections or other electrical issues that you cannot address on your own.

Why Proper Maintenance is Important

Preventing common electrical fixes starts with proper maintenance. This proactive approach can help you avoid potential issues and reduce the risk of electrical problems. Working with an experienced electrician is always recommended if you ever need to schedule repairs or maintenance.

Hometown Heating, Air & Electric provides heating and cooling installation and repair services. We also specialize in electrical services for customers in Cedarburg and the surrounding areas. Delivering the best available services at an affordable price is always a high priority. Our team is also happy to answer questions and discuss tips on how to keep your home well-maintained. Call Hometown Heating, Air & Electric today to learn more about our services.

Differences Between Ductless And Central Air Conditioning Units

Air conditioning units are an essential appliance in many households. With increased global temperature extremes, you need a system that can keep you comfortable throughout the year. There are two main types of air conditioning units available: ductless and central air conditioning units. Let’s take a closer look at each one.

Central Air Conditioning Units

Central air conditioning units are designed to cool an entire house or building through a system of ducts that distribute cool air throughout the space. They are typically more expensive to install than ductless units, but they are more efficient at cooling large spaces.

How Central Air Conditioning Units Work

Central air conditioning units work by pulling in warm air from the house through a return vent. The warm air is then cooled by the unit’s refrigerant and blown back into the house through the ducts. The cooled air is distributed evenly throughout the space, providing a comfortable temperature throughout the entire building.

Ductless Air Conditioning Units

Ductless air conditioning units are ideal for cooling specific areas or rooms in a house. These units are much easier to install than central air conditioning units because they don’t require ductwork. Ductless units consist of an outdoor compressor and an indoor unit that is mounted on a wall or ceiling. They are also more energy-efficient than central air conditioning units because they don’t experience the energy loss that occurs in ductwork.

How Ductless Air Conditioning Units Work

Ductless air conditioning units work by pulling in warm air from the room through the indoor unit. The warm air is then cooled by the unit’s refrigerant and blown back into the room through the same unit. Ductless units are designed to cool specific areas or rooms and are ideal for homes with multiple floors or rooms that are infrequently used.

Major Differences Between Ductless and Central Air Conditioning Units

The two types of air conditioning units differ in terms of installation, flexibility, efficiency, and maintenance requirements.


One of the biggest differences between ductless and central AC units is the installation process. Central air conditioning requires ductwork to be installed throughout the building, which can be a time-consuming and expensive process. Ductless units, on the other hand, require only a small hole to be drilled in the wall for the refrigerant lines to pass through, making them much easier and less expensive to install.


Ductless air conditioning units are designed to cool specific areas or rooms in a building, while central air conditioning is designed to cool the entire building. This means that ductless units offer more flexibility in terms of zoning and temperature control. With a ductless unit, you can set different temperatures in different rooms, which can be more energy-efficient and cost-effective.


Ductless air conditioning units have an advantage over central AC units. This is because ductless air conditioning requires little ductwork, which reduces energy loss through leaks and poor insulation. In contrast, central air conditioning units usually incorporate a lengthy ductwork, which may reduce efficiency. However, the efficiency of central AC units can be improved through regular maintenance of the ductwork, such as cleaning and sealing any leaks.


Maintenance requirements for ductless and central AC units are also different. Central air conditioning requires regular maintenance of the ductwork to ensure that it’s clean and free from leaks. For ductless units, you will need to clean filters and coils to ensure that they’re working efficiently.

Which One to Choose?

The choice between ductless and central air conditioning units largely depends on your cooling needs and budget. If you need to cool an entire house or building, then a central air conditioning unit would be the best option. However, if you need to cool specific areas or rooms, then a ductless air conditioning unit would be the ideal choice.

Don’t let the extreme weather get you down! Hometown Heating, Air & Electric is a BBB-accredited A+ company that has the expertise and knowledge to keep your home or business warm and cozy all year long. We offer heatingcooling, and electrical services in Cedarburg, WI and the neighboring communities. Contact us today to learn about our energy-star products.

8 Steps To Take When Your HVAC System Freezes Up

When the temperature outside drops and winter turns everything into a tundra, the last thing you want is for your HVAC system to stop working. Unfortunately, this is an all-too-common problem that many homeowners face during the winter. When your HVAC system freezes up, you must act quickly to prevent further damage.

1. Turn Off Your System

Discovering that your HVAC system has frozen up can be quite a frustrating experience. However, the first thing you should do in such a situation is not panic, but turn off your system. This is because leaving your frozen system running could cause further damage to your unit and make it more expensive to repair in the long run.

Turning off your HVAC system will also prevent the equipment from producing more moisture, which contributes to freezing. Therefore, if your HVAC system has frozen up, take a deep breath, stay calm, and turn off your system to help preserve the health of your equipment.

2. Check For Airflow Restrictions

The next step is to check for airflow restrictions. This can include anything from dirt and debris on your vents and filters, clogged drains or even a closed damper. These obstructions can cause the air handler coil to freeze as they block the airflow that keeps the internal components of your HVAC system cool. Ensure all your vents and filters are clean and nothing is blocking the airflow.

3. Check For Leaks

Another important step is to check for leaks. If there is a leak in your ductwork or air handler, the cold air from outside can reach your HVAC system’s internal components and cause them to freeze up. Check for any signs of leaking in your ductwork, and ensure all the seals are intact. If you find any leaks, it is best to get them repaired immediately.

4. Check Your Refrigerant Levels

You should also check your refrigerant levels. Not enough refrigerant in your HVAC system can cause the entire system to freeze, as the frozen air handler coil prevents proper cooling of the internal components. Ensure your system’s refrigerant levels are within the recommended range for optimal performance and efficiency.

5. Check Your Thermostat Settings

Check your thermostat settings. If your thermostat is set too low, it can cause your HVAC system to freeze up, as the colder temperature will make the internal components work harder than usual to maintain the desired temperature. Make sure that your thermostat is set to a temperature that is comfortable and conducive to optimal performance.

6. Clear Away Any Ice

If your HVAC system is covered in ice, it’s important to clear it away. Use warm water to melt the ice slowly and carefully, as using hot water or a sharp tool can damage the system. Dry off the unit once the ice is melted and remove any excess water.

7. Clean Your Condenser Coil

Another step you can take if your HVAC system has frozen up is to clean your condenser coil. A dirty or clogged condenser coil can prevent the air handler from cooling properly, freezing internal components. Ensure that your outdoor condenser coil is clean and debris-free to help keep your system running at optimal performance.

8. Call A Professional

A freeze-up in your HVAC system can be a frustrating and potentially costly problem. Taking these steps can help remedy the issue and prevent further damage from occurring. However, prevention is key, and regular maintenance and temperature control can help prevent a freeze-up from occurring in the first place. If you experience a freeze-up, don’t hesitate to contact a licensed HVAC professional to diagnose and repair the problem properly.

Reach out to Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, a trusted heating and air conditioning company based in Cedarburg, WI. We have the knowledge and tools to diagnose and repair issues quickly and efficiently, giving you peace of mind and a warm, comfortable home again. We will also recommend preventative measures that can help you avoid a frozen system in the future.

At Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, we offer heating and cooling repairs, installation new of new equipment, routine maintenance, indoor air quality assessments and solutions, ductless mini-splits, boilers, smart thermostats, gas furnaces, solar-ready systems, garage heaters, and electrical services for Cedarburg and the surrounding areas. Contact us today for more information or to schedule an appointment.

Ultimate Guide To Variable-Capacity Central AC Units

There are many options to choose from when you’re faced with installing a new air conditioning unit. Among them, you’ll need to decide the level of efficiency you want, which gets into the technology used in the unit. Higher-efficiency models use what’s known as variable-capacity technology. Use this guide to understand how standard ACs work, how variable-capacity systems work differently, and the differences you’ll experience when you install one in your home.

How Standard Air Conditioners Work

Standard air conditioners are known as single-stage units. This means that the entire unit is either on or off, with no settings for lower-capacity cooling. The result is that your system runs on high all the time, keeping the cooling cycle relatively short.

The step between the single-stage and variable-capacity system is a two-stage system. These provide a second option, offering a high and low setting for your system. However, many homes need a little more fine-tuning to get the right cooling capacity to keep the home ideally comfortable throughout the summer.

What Variable-Capacity Central ACs Do Differently

A variable-capacity AC has both a variable-capacity compressor and a variable-speed fan. With a variable-capacity system, your compressor may have as many as 700 distinct settings available to use. This allows the system to dial into the exact cooling capacity your home needs at any given time.

A variable-capacity air conditioner will generally run nearly continuously, providing a steady stream of air moving around your home. Even with it running steadily, it consumes less energy because the compressor isn’t consuming as much energy to keep your home cool.

More Consistent Home Comfort

A single-stage air conditioner drops the temperature, then waits for it to rise to start a new cooling cycle, whereby it drops the temperature again. The reason a variable capacity runs constantly is to keep your home at a constant temperature. By keeping a steady stream of cooler air moving around your home, the temperature stays more consistent all the time.

Better Cooling Efficiency

Cooling efficiency is rated using SEER, or seasonal energy efficiency ratio. This is a comparison of the total cooling output for the entire summer divided by the total energy used. The energy output drops when you reduce the cooling capacity at which the system runs. However, the energy consumption drops more than the cooling capacity. This is how high-efficiency systems get an efficiency rating of 25 SEER and higher.

Better Home Comfort

Your air conditioner does so much more than just reduce the temperature of your home. It removes airborne contaminants, condenses humidity from the air, and keeps air moving around your home. A single-stage air conditioner runs average cooling cycles of 10 to 15 minutes. That leaves a lot of time where it’s not moving air or removing humidity. By running more constantly but at a lower capacity, your system will remove more contaminants and humidity and keep the air continually moving around your home, creating a more comfortable environment.

Less Noisy Operation

One of the complaints about air conditioners is the amount of noise they create. With single-stage systems, a lot of this noise happens because the system is running on high all the time. When you reduce how fast a fan spins, you reduce some of its noise, and the same is true for the compressor. A variable-capacity system will run at some iteration of a lower capacity 80% of the time it runs, significantly reducing its noise.

Longer Service Life

The average single-stage air conditioner will have a service life of 10 to 15 years when it receives proper maintenance. Much of the wear on the system comes from running at full capacity all the time and frequently starting new cooling cycles, which is the most strenuous part of the cycle. A variable-capacity air conditioner runs as low as 40% of its maximum capacity and runs nearly constantly, which significantly reduces the wear on the system. Further, with a variable-capacity system, you’re already at the higher range of efficiency, which means the increasing standards will take longer to make your system’s efficiency obsolete.

Property owners around Cedarburg turn to Hometown Heating, Air & Electric when they need help keeping their homes comfortable and functioning well. Our experts provide heating and air conditioning installation, maintenance and repair together with indoor air quality solutions and a full range of residential electrical services. Call to schedule your consultation with one of our knowledgeable installation technicians to see if a variable-capacity central AC is right for your home.

How Whole-Home Filtration Systems Help Fight Seasonal Allergies

Home filtration systems can help combat seasonal allergies by improving indoor air quality. According to the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America, more than 50 million Americans suffer from allergies. Whether the symptoms include a runny nose, itchy throat, or sneezing, it is understandable that people suffering from allergies want relief inside the home. While some families purchase individual filters or humidifiers for rooms, whole-home filtration systems can purify the air in each room.

What Are Seasonal Allergies?

Seasonal allergies refer to involuntary responses from your immune system in reaction to changes or foreign substances in the environment, and despite the name, they can occur year-round. The substances that cause this bodily reaction are known as allergens. While allergens often derive from outdoor sources, these substances can also become trapped in the home and compromise indoor air quality.

What Are Common Types of Seasonal Allergens?

One of the most common types of seasonal allergens is pollen. Throughout spring and summer, plants release pollen for reproduction. This pollen can travel for miles and enter the home through doors, windows, vents, or chimneys. Residents can also track pollen into their homes when it lands on their shoes, hair, or clothing. Once trapped in the home, pollen can exacerbate allergy symptoms like watery eyes, sniffles, sneezing, wheeziness, shortness of breath, or nasal discomfort.

Mold and mildew are other types of seasonal allergens. While mold and mildew can grow throughout the year, these biological pollutants thrive in hot and humid conditions. Although not every type of mold causes allergies, experts recommend removing all mold growth from the home. Similarly, other indoor allergens can include pet dander, dust mites, or carpet debris. Dust mites thrive during high-humidity seasons, so it is important to find ways to reduce these allergens and help yourself breathe easier.

How Can A Whole-Home Filtration System Help Reduce Seasonal Allergies?

One of the main purposes of a whole-home filtration system is the reduction of unwanted air particles that can trigger seasonal allergies. Indoor air with high concentrations of particles like pollen or dust mites can result in allergy symptoms. Once inside your home, these contaminants are nearly impossible to remove by just opening a window or turning on a fan. In fact, opening windows and doors could let even more allergens into the home, and turning on fans may simply circulate these particles. Fortunately, an air filtration system can help clear these contaminants from indoor air and may help lower the negative impact these unwanted particles can have on your breathing.

What Are The Key Benefits of a Whole-Home Filtration System?

One of the top benefits of a whole-home filtration system is coverage. While a portable filter may help remove allergens in individual rooms, a whole-home system works in each room of your house. This means that there is no need to worry about tracking allergens from one room to another or misidentifying the room with the greatest number of allergens. Instead of picking and choosing which rooms get filtered air, consult with a technician to get coverage for the entire household.

Whole-home systems can filter the air in high-traffic areas like living rooms as well as sensitive areas like nurseries and bedrooms of the elderly. In this way, you do not have to purchase multiple devices to achieve filtration in important areas of the home. Whether you need to filter the kitchen or feel concerned about a room near a pollen-producing tree, whole-home filtration is an efficient way to provide full coverage. Finally, whole-home systems may also reduce concerns about noise levels or the management of multiple devices taking up space throughout the house. Instead of purchasing a noisy device or trying to hide an unattractive unit, upgrade to a more centralized filtration system for the entire household

Contact Us Today

Seasonal allergies impact millions of Americans each year. Instead of letting allergens build up in your home and cause discomfort, reach out to Hometown Heating, Air & Electric for whole-home filtration installation. We offer indoor air quality solutions for households in Cedarburg, WI and surrounding areas. Additionally, our technicians provide HVAC and electrical services. Contact Hometown Heating, Air & Electric for more information on installing a filtration system in your home.

8 Benefits Of Hiring A Certified HVAC Technician

When it comes to maintaining and repairing your HVAC system, hiring a certified technician is important. Certified technicians understand the importance of proper installation, maintenance, and repair services to ensure your system runs efficiently and effectively. Below are the benefits of hiring a certified technician for your HVAC system:

1. Helps to Ensure Quality Service

Installing an HVAC system can be expensive, so having a qualified technician for a standard job is important. Certification shows that the technician has the training and expertise to install, maintain, and repair HVAC systems. Furthermore, a certified technician can also provide advice on the best type of system for your home or business as well as specialized services such as energy auditing.

2. Helps Protect Consumers

HVAC certification helps shield customers from novice or unqualified workers who might be unable to fix their systems effectively. Sometimes, an uncertified technician may cause more damage to an HVAC system than was originally present. This can be costly and time-consuming to repair.

Ensuring that HVAC technicians have the certification guarantees they will have the necessary skills and knowledge to properly and safely complete the job. Furthermore, certified technicians know the current industry standards, so they will stay on track and perform updated techniques.

3. Is Necessary For Some Warranties

Sometimes, your HVAC system’s warranty may require you to use a certified technician for service and repairs. This is because manufacturers know certified technicians have the training and skills needed to service HVAC products properly.

If you use a non-certified technician, you may void your warranty and have to pay for expensive repairs yourself. Certified technicians can also provide valuable insight into how to maintain your system to keep it working efficiently and reduce the likelihood of costly repairs in the future.

4. Saves You Money and Time

Certified technicians are experts in the field, meaning they can quickly identify and repair problems with your equipment. This reduces the amount of time spent troubleshooting. It also reduces the overall labor cost.

In addition, certified technicians will perform HVAC jobs with professional expertise and know-how, which can reduce the risk of costly mistakes. By working with certified technicians, you can be sure they’ll perform repairs and maintenance right the first time.

5. Shows Commitment to a Career

The drain line is a pipe that allows water to safely move from the drip pan to the condensate drain. Although not very common, it’s possible for the drain line to disconnect from the drip pan. When this connection is interrupted, water may instead accumulate in the drip pan or even leak out onto the ground near the drain. Unlike many HVAC components which are hidden inside the unit itself, the drain line is easily visible on the back of the unit. You can take a peek behind the unit to see if the drain line is disconnected or damaged. An HVAC technician can handle re-installing or replacing the drain line.

6. Shows the Company Understands the Latest Industry Trends

The HVAC industry keeps changing, so technicians must stay up-to-date with the latest industry trends. Certified technicians show that they have the necessary knowledge and skills to install, repair, and maintain HVAC systems according to current standards and practices. Certified technicians can also better adapt to changes within the industry.

7. May Be Necessary by Law

In some states, certification may be legally necessary for an individual to work as an HVAC technician. Furthermore, certified technicians understand all the related regulations. Certified technicians demonstrate that they have completed an approved training program, passed licensing exams, and are up-to-date with current standards in the industry.

8. Provides Peace of Mind

Finally, choosing a certified HVAC technician provides peace of mind knowing that your technician has the training and experience necessary to service your system properly. Certified technicians must pass a rigorous examination process, ensuring they are knowledgeable about the latest safety standards in the HVAC industry. In most cases, certified technicians are from reputable certifying organizations and can assure your project gets completed with the highest level of quality.

At Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, we take pride in our exceptional service to Cedarburg, WI residents. Our team is highly trained and certified to handle all of your heating, air conditioning, and electrical needs. We take great care to ensure that our technicians are up-to-date on the latest technological advancements so that we can take care of your HVAC system with the most modern solutions available. Contact Hometown Heating, Air & Electric today to learn more about our services. We can ensure that your home or office is in safe, reliable hands.

Why Is My HVAC System Leaking Water?

While it’s normal for a healthy, well-maintained AC to create a bit of condensation on hot summer days, seeing a puddle or excessive dripping are both causes for alarm. When water pools around the unit, it can damage the device and threaten your home’s foundation and landscaping. For those reasons, it’s crucial to begin troubleshooting a leaky air conditioner right away. Here at Hometown Heating, Air & Electric, we’ve seen countless leaky cooling units over the years. Sometimes the issue is a matter of simple maintenance, but other cases require specialized repair work. The following are some of the most common causes of HVAC system leaks.

Dirty Air Filter

Your cooling system contains an air filter that needs to be regularly freshened up to allow for good, healthy airflow. Dirty air filters can lead to inadequate ventilation, which can cause the unit’s evaporator coils to freeze. As the coils thaw, water from melted ice will accumulate in the drip pan and sometimes overflow. Try replacing the air filter to see if it resolves the issue. If the problem persists, a technician from Hometown Heating, Air & Electric can inspect the system for damage.

Dirty Evaporator Coil

Dirty evaporator coils can also cause AC water drainage issues. When evaporator coils are clean, water can drip naturally down into the drip pan or condensate line. However, dirty coils can redirect the water flow, causing it to splash down to the concrete slab below. For that reason, this issue is usually characterized by a series of small drips around the unit as opposed to a large puddle. Evaporator coil cleaning is typically included in a standard AC tune-up.

Blocked Condensate Drain

Located near the bottom of your AC is a tube called the condensate drain. When everything is functioning normally, gravity carries water runoff down into a flat drip pan and then into the condensate drain. The drain leads to a pipe that allows for water to travel safely away from the cooling unit. However, if the drain gets clogged, the water has nowhere to go and will instead overflow the drip pan. Mineral deposits, dirt, or other lawn debris usually cause clogged condensate drains. Unclogging a drain is an involved process and requires specific equipment, so it’s best to leave this job in the hands of an experienced technician.

Low Refrigerant Level

Cooling systems rely on a liquid called refrigerant in order to produce cold air. Low refrigerant can cause the evaporator coil to freeze and water to pool in the drip pan. The only time an AC needs extra refrigerant is if the refrigerant line is cracked. Refrigerant leaks require immediate attention and professional repairs.

Disconnected Drain Line

The drain line is a pipe that allows water to safely move from the drip pan to the condensate drain. Although not very common, it’s possible for the drain line to disconnect from the drip pan. When this connection is interrupted, water may instead accumulate in the drip pan or even leak out onto the ground near the drain. Unlike many HVAC components which are hidden inside the unit itself, the drain line is easily visible on the back of the unit. You can take a peek behind the unit to see if the drain line is disconnected or damaged. An HVAC technician can handle re-installing or replacing the drain line.

Damaged Drip Pan

AC drip pans go through quite a bit of wear and tear each season. Although these components are designed to be sturdy and rugged, years of water condensation can take their toll. If your AC is over a decade old, it’s possible the drip pan is no longer in peak condition. Over time, it’s common for drip pans to crack, corrode, or develop holes. A damaged pan can develop leaks and allow water to drip or pool around the unit.

Repairs for Leaky HVAC Systems

If your HVAC system is experiencing a leak, it’s best to have the situation assessed by a professional as quickly as possible. Excessive moisture can damage your HVAC’s internal components and lead to pricier, more involved repairs down the line. The team at Hometown Heating, Air & Electric will get to the bottom of the situation and provide professional, long-lasting solutions. We’re the Cedarburg area’s experts when it comes to HVAC repair, replacement, and maintenance.

Tired of dealing with a leaky HVAC? Contact us today to schedule a service appointment!

7 Tips to Prepare Your Cooling System for Seasonal Changes

As spring turns to summer, prepping your cooling system will help keep your family comfortable during the hottest days. With a few thoughtful measures, you can easily prepare your air conditioning unit for peak efficiency when it’s time to turn up the thermostat and cool off indoors. From preventative maintenance checks to tweaking settings on your thermostat, there are plenty of steps you can take right now that will have great results in comfort and energy savings this summer. Here are seven tips to help you get your cooling system ready for summer.

1. Clean and Change Filters

When filters become clogged or dirty, it can affect air circulation and cause breakdowns or necessitate repairs. To prevent these inconvenient and expensive outcomes, set aside time to properly maintain your cooling system by cleaning any dust that’s built up on fans and coils as well as changing air filters. This small investment in regular maintenance can mean significant financial and comfort gains throughout the year. HVAC experts like those at [company_name] can help you get your filters cleaned or replaced.

2. Check Refrigerant Levels

Refrigerant is an essential component of air conditioning systems, as it aids cooling by absorbing the required heat. Low refrigerant levels in your cooling system can reduce its efficiency and cause damage over time. Checking your system’s refrigerant levels will ensure that all components function correctly. Further, it can help to prevent potential damage or malfunctions in the long run. To ensure that your refrigerant levels are where they should be, get them checked by a professional technician before each season begins.

3. Inspect Electrical Connections

Ensure all the electrical connections on your cooling system are tight and secure, as loose connections can lead to overheating, which can cause severe damage to the unit. Keeping essential parts such as compressors, fans, and motors in good working order increases your unit’s efficiency and extends its serviceable life. Checking for loose or corroded cables and terminals will ensure that all necessary current is securely making it to each component. If any issues are identified, have HVAC technicians address them before turning on the unit.

4. Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Scheduling regular HVAC maintenance can reduce the chances of costly repairs and keep your cooling system running smoothly. Maintenance visits are a great way to ensure your AC unit is functioning correctly. It an also help you catch an issue before it causes any service disruption or escalates repair costs. In addition, routine maintenance allows for timely checkups that can identify energy-consuming issues, reducing energy bills from month to month. Don’t wait until something goes wrong. Instead, book a periodic maintenance checkup with [company_name] to ensure your cooling system weathers against the seasonal elements without any unnecessary stress.

5. Check Ductwork

Ductwork should also be inspected regularly for any obstructions, such as dust buildup or mold growth, that could impede airflow throughout your home when running an AC unit. Check for visible insulation damage, and then make sure there are no blockages that could reduce airflow efficiency. The cooled air can be lost instead of circulated throughout the house if your ducts aren’t properly sealed. Other problems that should be addressed include cracks, disconnected parts, and weak insulation. A professional technician can identify if there’s an issue with ductwork and advise solutions accordingly.

6. Inspect Insulation Around Outdoor Components

Inspecting insulation around outdoor components helps keep excess heat away from more sensitive parts like condenser coils, improving overall efficiency when running an AC unit during the warmer months. This includes ensuring adequate insulation between indoor walls and exterior components and checking seals on windows near outdoor units for gaps or drafts that could let unwanted heat into interior spaces.

7. Check the Condensate Drains and Coils

Condensate drains remove moisture that builds up in an air conditioner, while coils transfer heat between two mediums in a heating and cooling system. To prepare your cooling system for seasonal changes, regularly check the condensate drains and coils. This will help prevent clogs and ensure the system runs safely and efficiently. Condensate should be checked for dirt, blockages, and insect infestations. Coils should be vacuumed out of dust and debris buildup while testing electrical connections to see if they’re functioning correctly.

Rely on the Experts

Preparing your cooling system for seasonal changes is integral to maintaining its effectiveness and saving money on utility bills in the long run. By following these tips, you can ensure that your cooling system runs smoothly all year so that you don’t have any surprises come summertime.

Our team will happily schedule maintenance for your system in preparation for seasonal changes. We offer comprehensive heating, cooling, and electrical services in Cedarburg, WI and the neighboring communities, including Ozaukee, Waukesha, and Milwaukee counties. Some of the services we provide include installing, repairing, and maintaining heating systems, air conditioners, ductless mini-splits, ductwork, and thermostats. Contact [company_name] today for exceptional HVAC and electrical solutions.